General update


Hello there dear reader!

Thanks for checking this out. Currently I'm attempting to get a leg up in regards to progress here. The idea being that: you love animals or plants, fungi, perhaps other intermediary species like coral cultures or sponge, and want to use your talent to portray an extinct species (Or one that is on its way out (more on that soon)). 

I'm assuming that visual art should come across well since this would be done in a book format. I intend to release a digital version for free, and concurrently have a physical edition for sale, since that would be ideal to not exclude anybody that can't pay. The proceeds from a physical edition could help pay for the books' publication as well as movement towards species protection for the future (see Aquatic Causeway portal).

Aqua Portal

If you like a species from this blog, feel free to leave a comment wherever or message and I will be sure to include more information furthering your way as soon as I read what you say. 

If there are multiple portraits for a species then they will be squeezed-in together to some degree. Consider representing the underdogs, a different species in that instance instead. 

Please try and portray the animal with it's correct markings, the species currently posted have been confirmed about their markings vs. different images, accidentally using the similar but wrong animal as source material. Species in their habitat is nice but not required: I'll leave the artistic perogative in the artist's  hands. 

Please comment or message if you're interested in taking part on this project in any way. Beyond actual art there are many species that still belong on this list sadly. I will be making progress in that regard asap. Thank you for your time and for reading this info. I look forward to working on this project, thanks again. 


 Within a roughly 70 foot section of beach, viewed while looking away from the ocean and towards the bluff, up into the canyon that erosion formed, something about the way the waves run into the canyon during storms has left debris in this relatively small area in quantity.

 On this particular day the items in the photograph were all collected within that same 70 foot wide canyon that faces out onto the ocean. There were also certain other trash items such as mattress foam and plastic bags. 

Having such a specific collection of items, children's toys, it's not difficult to create a painful mental analogy regarding the future of the same children who were enjoying these toys not so long ago. Species extinction on such a small scale as to be compiled in this book is a task that currently can have meaning. 

Time and potential are draining away regarding our chance for pollution abatement. Hopefully the reader will understand the connection between this book and the Aquatic Causeway: regarding pollution and species extinction- that's the intersection we're at.
